nozioni di apicoltura

Short introduction to apiculture

I do not want to sound presumptuous when saying that there is always something new to learn when working in apiculture. Following you will find a summary of my diary written over one year of work in apiculture.

Just some tips before trying to be a real apiarist:
  • get a book about apiculture and try to collect some information;
  • look for an apiarist nearby, which you can definitely find, talk to him and share your intentions;
  • he will be a point of reference for your future;
  • if possible do not try to find used materials, hives and nuclei; only start with one or two hives, but new ones;
  • note everything you do, this will be useful to find out where you did something wrong and it is also useful for years to come;
  • don't get worried; it's normal that all bees die in the hives during the first year.

  • Being an apiarist is not easy. You need passion, and you need to be sensitive with regard to the surrounding nature and the bees; you require a feeling for observation, you need to be a meteorologist, you need to understand how to "talk" to your bees and you need to want to learn more all the time.

    Bees "talk" by emitting odours, which can sometimes also be sensed by humans, they talk by the way they fly and the way they buzz.

    Breeding bees is a profession where passion continues to grow over the years. Bees attract apiarists for two fundamental reasons: the complexity of their social and biological life, and their attitude to produce several natural resources like: honey, pollen, propolis, wax, royal jelly and bee poison.

    Mieli d'autore - via ai Dossi 22 - Fai della Paganella (Tn)
    mob. +39 348 4975501 - fax +39 0461 601758 - e-mail

    Piccola bottega del miele | via ai Dossi 22 - Fai della Paganella (Tn)