tarassaco melo

dandelion and apple blossom

Taraxacum officinale, Malus domestica

Produced at the start of spring when dandelion and apple trees in the nearby Val di Non bloom at the same time.

Colour yellow amber
Crystallisation very quick with medium to fine granularity
Aroma very intense, penetrant, typical of dandelion
Taste similar to the aroma; persistent and of medium sweetness; intensive aroma and fresh with a scent of camomile, with a slightly bitter and acidic taste due to the apple flower
Use table honey for those who appreciate the taste
Natural characteristics of the plant dandelion has diuretic characteristics; also used for headaches and high cholesterol levels
Available amounts 40g - 250g - 400g - 1000g
miele tarassaco e melo

To know more about honey

Honey is the nutrient produced by bees starting from the nectar of flowers or from the secretions of living parts of the plants, which bees collect, transform, combine with their own substances, and finally deposit in the honeycombs. Inside the apiary the collected substances are changed from bee to bee several times. This allows for a gradual maturing process and the enrichment with enzymes deriving from the secretions of the bees' glands.
The main components of honey are fructose, glucose, water, other sugars and various substances amongst which organic acids, mineral salts, enzymes, aromas and many others. Honey is a highly nutritious type of food with can be easily absorbed. Glucose provides immediately usable energy, while fructose is metabolized in the liver and provides an energy reserve. 100 grams of honey contain 320 calories. Honey is sweeter than table sugar. It mainly contains monosaccharide, meaning that this results in better digestion.
Glucose immediately enters the blood circulation and can therefore immediately be used, while fructose is consumed much slower and thereby guarantees for a gradual uptake of energy.
Honey is not a complete nutrient as it lacks vitamins and proteins.
Crystallisation is a natural process which mainly depends on the composition (relation between glucose and fructose) and on the temperature (max. 14ºC). If the content of glucose is higher, crystallisation will occur faster. Low temperatures slow it down.

More info

Mieli d'autore - via ai Dossi 22 - Fai della Paganella (Tn)
mob. +39 348 4975501 - fax +39 0461 601758 - e-mail info@mielidautore.it

Piccola bottega del miele | via ai Dossi 22 - Fai della Paganella (Tn)